Agenda Text
Traffic and Parking Director submitting responses to various Board Orders submitted 8/27/15.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Agenda Item 199662
That the Director of Traffic and Parking consider installing a crosswalk at 64 College Avenue.
Traffic and Parking has reviewed College Ave at Chapel St and Hall Ave (64 College Ave) for the installation of a new crosswalk.
When reviewing a location for the installation of a new crosswalk, the intersection must be in compliance with Traffic Engineering and American With Disabilities Act (ADA) principles.
A new crosswalk requires ADA ramps. There are no ADA ramps at either Chapel St or Hall Ave for a crosswalk across College Ave. If a proposed crosswalk does comply with all traffic engineering requirements than the ADA ramps must 1st be constructed. This is a DPW function.
Where a proposed crosswalk is considered there must be adequate sight distance for a motorist to stop a vehicle for a pedestrian in a crosswalk from both directions of travel. This is called Stopping Sight Distance (SSD). For crosswalks the SSD is calculated when the cone of vision of the motorist is 1st able to view the entire width of the crosswalk. A motorist must be able to stop a vehicle for a pedestrian crossing from one side of the road to the other. The Primae Facia speed on College Ave is 30MPH. The SSD for a vehicle traveling 30 MPH according to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is 200’. The MUTCD is a Federal, State and City standard for all roads open to public travel.
On College Ave at Hall Ave/Chapel St the crosswalk would have to be installed on the north side of this intersection. There is a fire hydrant on the east side of College Ave south of the intersection. There are also Bus Stops on both sides of College Ave south of the intersection. This infrastructure precludes a crosswalk on this side of the intersection.
An independent driver with an observer drove both directions of College Ave during nonpeak travel hours. This was a sunny/overcast day with normal traffic conditions. The driver observed where the proposed crosswalk would 1st be observed while traveling this roadway in both directions.
After the SSD was determined, trial speed runs for both approaches to the proposed crosswalk were undertaken. Vehicle speed reached approximately 30 MPH on College Ave approaching Hall Ave and Chapel Ave in both directions.
On College Ave traveling basically in a SB direction (from Powderhouse Rotary towards Davis Square) there is a horizontal and vertical curve prior to Chapel St/Hall Ave. The SSD distance as recorded in the manner described above and then calculated with a calibrated measuring wheel is 218’. The SSD would be satisfactory in this direction.
On College Ave traveling basically in a NB direction (from Davis Square towards the Powderhouse Rotary) there is a horizontal and vertical curve prior to Hall Ave/Chapel St. The SSD distance as recorded in the manner described above and then calculated with a calibrated measuring wheel is 155’. This SSD is inadequate in this direction. Public safety (pedestrian safety) would be endangered.
Based on the above conditions this intersection does not meet the criteria for the installation of a new crosswalk.
Agenda Item 199668
That the Director of Traffic and Parking consider putting a crosswalk at the corner of Cross Street and Everett Avenue, across from the East Somerville Community School entrance.
Traffic and Parking has conducted a site review of Cross St and Everett Avenue for the installation of a new crosswalk.
When Traffic and Parking surveys a location for a new crosswalk several conditions are reviewed. These conditions include adequate sight distance and stopping sight distance for a crosswalk in both directions approaching a crosswalk. A need for a crosswalk at a particular location i.e. sufficient number of pedestrians crossing the street at a location, location of nearby crosswalks and the presence of American With Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps.
The reviewed location did meet the criteria for sight distance and stopping sight distance for a crosswalk.
Notwithstanding the above, outside of Central Business Districts (CBD) crosswalks are generally not installed at mid- block locations. Cross St at Everett Ave would be considered a mid- block location. Studies have shown that when crosswalks are installed in mid- block locations pedestrian accidents increase. This phenomenon is caused by motorists not having proper perception reaction time to stop for a pedestrian at a location where generally a crosswalk is not expected.
In addition there must be a need for a crosswalk. Pedestrian crossings in an area must be apparent. Transportation Industry/Traffic Engineering Standards require either 20 pedestrian per hour or 60 pedestrians per four hour period for a new crosswalk. This figure must be documented by a valid survey.
To install a new crosswalk, a new crosswalk is mandated to comply with the standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). These standards mandate ADA ramps (in compliance with the latest ADA ramp specifications) at each end of the crosswalk. There are no ADA ramps for a crosswalk across Cross St at Everett Ave.
There is a nearby crosswalk at the traffic signals at Cross St and Pearl St.
Based on the above Traffic and Parking does not support a new crosswalk at this location.
Agenda Item 199677
That the Director of Traffic and Parking consider changing the stop light on Myrtle and Washington Street to a blinking STOP sign.
There is a functioning traffic signal on Washington St at Myrtle St. No change is necessary.
Agenda Item 199685
That the Director of Traffic and Parking paint a crosswalk at Lincoln and Perkins Streets.
Traffic and Parking has conducted a site review Lincoln St and Perkins St at relative to the installation of a new crosswalk across Perkins St.
When Traffic and Parking surveys a location for a new crosswalk several conditions are reviewed. These conditions include adequate sight distance and stopping sight distance for a crosswalk in both directions approaching a crosswalk. A need for a crosswalk at a particular location i.e. sufficient number of pedestrians crossing the street at a location, location of nearby crosswalks and the presence of American With Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps.
The reviewed location did meet the criteria for sight distance and stopping sight distance for a crosswalk.
Notwithstanding the above, outside of Central Business Districts (CBD) crosswalks are generally not installed at mid- block locations. Lincoln St at Perkins St would be considered a mid- block location. Studies have shown that when crosswalks are installed in mid- block locations pedestrian accidents increase. This phenomenon is caused by motorists not having proper perception reaction time to stop for a pedestrian at a location where generally a crosswalk is not expected.
In addition there must be a need for a crosswalk. Pedestrian crossings in an area must be apparent. Transportation Industry/Traffic Engineering Standards require either 20 pedestrian per hour or 60 pedestrians per four hour period for a new crosswalk. This figure must be documented by a valid survey.
To install a new crosswalk, a new crosswalk is mandated to comply with the standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). These standards mandate ADA ramps (in compliance with the latest ADA ramp specifications) at each end of the crosswalk. There are no ADA ramps for a crosswalk across Perkins St at Lincoln St.
Based on the above Traffic and Parking cannot install a new crosswalk at this location.
Agenda Item 199690
That the Director of Traffic and Parking and the Chief of Police inspect, monitor and develop a plan to control the speed of traffic on Medford Street, between Central and School Streets.
On Medford St there are traffic signals located at the intersection of Central St/Medford St, Sycamore St/Medford St and School St/ Medford St. The distance from Central St to School St is approximately 1600’. Due to the aforementioned traffic signals, vehicles exceeding the speed limit is difficult. The Somerville Police Dept. has been requested to monitor vehicle speeds via radar/lidar guns along this corridor. Based on the results of these observations, if required further actions will be initiated.
Agenda Item 199691
That the Director of Traffic and Parking inspect the corners of James and Marshall Streets, at their intersection with Pearl Street, and suggest a plan to increase visibility for motorists who are turning onto Pearl Street.
The intersections of James and Marshal Streets with Pearl Street are typical of intersections throughout the entire city. While not optimal, the sight distance at these intersections is acceptable. To further increase sight lines/distances, parking spaces would have to be eliminated. Parking spaces in this area are a premium commodity. Traffic and Parking will consider eliminating parking spaces at these intersections if requested.
Agenda Item 199692
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a DO NOT ENTER sign on the corner of Marshall Street, at Pearl Street.
There is a Do Not Enter sign at this location.
Agenda Item 199693
That the Director of Traffic and Parking install a crosswalk at the intersection of Thurston and Fenwick Streets and Broadway.
Traffic and Parking has conducted a site review of Thurston and Fenwick at Broadway relative to the installation of a new crosswalk across Broadway.
When Traffic and Parking surveys a location for a new crosswalk several conditions are reviewed. These conditions include adequate sight distance and stopping sight distance for a crosswalk in both directions approaching a crosswalk. A need for a crosswalk at a particular location i.e. sufficient number of pedestrians crossing the street at a location, location of nearby crosswalks and the presence of American With Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps.
The reviewed location was questionable if the criteria for sight distance and stopping sight distance is within acceptable parameters.
In addition to the above there must be a need for a crosswalk. Pedestrian crossings in an area must be apparent. Transportation Industry/Traffic Engineering Standards require either 20 pedestrian per hour or 60 pedestrians per four hour period for a new crosswalk. This figure must be documented by a valid survey.
To install a new crosswalk, a new crosswalk is mandated to comply with the standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). These standards mandate ADA ramps (in compliance with the latest ADA ramp specifications) at each end of the crosswalk. There are no ADA ramps for a crosswalk across Broadway a Thurston St and Fenwick St.
Based on the above Traffic and Parking cannot install a new crosswalk at this location.
Agenda Item 199707
That the Director of Traffic and Parking report to the Ward 7 Alderman on a plan to
clear up the confusing signage at Capen Street, 405 Alewife Brook Parkway and Capen Court.
The street name signs at this location are accurate. Capen St is located from Alewife Brook Parkway in a easterly direction for a distance of 210’ to Capen Ct. Capen Ct is then in a northerly direction for a distance of 250’
Agenda Item 199708
That the Director of Traffic and Parking repaint the street arrow markings on Broadway at Route 16.
The above intersection and pavement markings are under the jurisdiction of MassDOT.
Agenda Item 199711
That the Director of Traffic and Parking replace the missing pop-up pedestrian safety stand at Lowell and Albion Streets.
The pedestrian impact recovery system at this location will be replaced.
Agenda Item 199798
That the Director of Traffic and Parking repair the crosswalk signal at True Grounds on Broadway.
The repair/maintenance of traffic signals is a DPW function. The request will be fowarded to DPW.
Agenda Item 199802
That the Director of Traffic & Parking enforce parking regulations around 240 Pearl Street, including the bus stop and fire hydrants, and explore traffic calming measures to deter speeding.
The area around 240 Pearl St is on a defined enforcement route by parking Control Officers. All observed parking violations receive citations. Traffic and Parking will inform the Somerville Police Dept regarding the speeding issues.
Please contact me with any questions.
Suzanne Rinfret
Director of Traffic and Parking