Agenda Text
Requesting the classification of the Mayors Advisor for Children and Youth as a Special Municipal Employee, and the approval of an exemption under Section 20(d) of G. L. c. 268A for Stephanie Hirsch.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
I write to request that the position of part time Mayor’s Advisor for Children and Youth be classified by your Board as a “Special Municipal Employee.” The position is a part time position and the terms of employment permit personal or private employment during normal working hours.
Furthermore, in connection with this classification, on behalf of Stephanie Hirsch, I am enclosing a copy of the Disclosure of Financial Interest exemption form for your review and consideration.
The Disclosure permits Ms. Hirsch to serve as both Mayor’s Advisor for Children and Youth and contractor for the Edward Collins Center for Public Management at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. The disclosure is required in connection with the classification of her position of Mayor’s Advisor for Children and Youth as “special municipal employee.”
I respectfully request that your Board approve the classification of the part time Mayor’s Advisor for Children and Youth position as Special Municipal Employee. In addition, I respectfully request that your Honorable Board approve the exemption under Section 20(d) of G. L. c. 268A for Ms. Hirsch.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone