Agenda Text
In support of an Act relative to the future of heat in the Commonwealth, S.2148/H.3298.
Official Text
Natural gas is 95% methane, a greenhouse gas that is 84 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period: and
Methane leaks deprive tree roots of oxygen and can kill shade trees, which are irreplaceable protectors against extreme heat and flooding projected in the city’s Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment; and
Gas leaks have not been significantly reduced since passage of Ch, 149, Acts of 2014, An Act Relative to Natural Gas Leaks, and ratepayers still pay for the lost gas; and
The events have demonstrated the safety and health risks inherent in aging fracked gas infrastructure; and
The Future of Heat Act provides incentives to gas companies to provide renewable thermal energy at an acceptable cost to ratepayers, improve energy efficiency, distribution and storage, implement more effectively the green house reduction mandate of the Global Warming Solutions Act, and promote public health and public safety; and
The Future of Heat bill meshes well with the City of Somerville’s renewable energy and sustainability goals, the City having released its first comprehensive climate change plan in November 2018; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
That the Somerville City Council, as duly elected representatives, strongly support House H. S.2148 <>/H.3298, a transition to clean nonemitting renewable energy.