Agenda Text
Commending those Somervillians who have honorably defended our nation with their dedicated military service in the post-9/11 era.
Official Text
Be it hereby known to all that the
Somerville Mayor and Board of Aldermen
offer their sincerest commendations to
Virginia Hussey, Keith Benichasa, Orlando Jacquet, Thomas Gorman,
Christopher Clark, James Roderick, Josue Veleny , David Farino, Jr., Gravin Guillen, Henry Diaz, Randy Isaacs, Michael Holland, Ernie Nadile, Jr., Diogo DeOliveira, Daniel Donegan, Matthew Kane, Alex Dasilva, Michael Marino, Christopher Theopil, Michael Finnegan, William Halloran, Michael Jefferson, Justin Bonner,
John O’Connor, Robert Ankenbauer, Paul Anderson, Samir Messaoudi, John Tam, James Pefine, James Marques, Laura McCann, and Matthew McLaughlin
Who have honorably defended
our nation and our community
with selfless, dedicated military service,
serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or
elsewhere in the post-9/11 era.
The City offers its sincerest gratitude
and extends its best wishes for
continuing success in all endeavors.
Offered this 11th day of November, 2014.