Agenda Text
City Solicitor requesting approval to retain as outside counsel KP Law, with Darren Klein, Esq., as the attorney of record, to represent the City in matters related to Michael Kiely, including Civil Service Commission No. 1-18-018, and Open Meeting Law complaints related to that case or the decision not to confirm his promotion to Police Lieutenant.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
Pursuant to Section 2-121 of the Code of Ordinances, I recommend that this Board of Aldermen approve retaining the services of KP Law, 101 Arch Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02110, with Darren Klein, Esq., as the attorney of record, as outside counsel to represent the City of Somerville in the matters of Michael Kiely and the City of Somerville, Civil Service Commission, No. 1-18-018 and Open Meeting Law complaints of Michael Kiely as to any meetings held by the Board of Aldermen, related to said Civil Service Commission matter, No. 1-18-018, or any other similar matter challenging the Board’s deliberation as to the confirmation of the Mayor’s promotion of Michael Kiely to the rank of Lieutenant of the Somerville Police Department and/or as to the Board of Aldermen’s decision not to confirm said promotion.
I am available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Francis X. Wright, Jr.
City Solicitor