City of Somerville header
File #: 206293    Version: 1
Type: Public Communication Status: Approved
File created: 6/28/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/3/2018 Final action: 7/12/2018
Enactment date: 6/28/2018 Enactment #: 206293
Title: Submitting the Union Square Neighborhood Council's application for designation as the negotiating entity for a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square neighborhood.
Attachments: 1. 1_CBA Report 22 March 2018, 2. 1_USNCInterimBylawsSeptember2017, 3. 2_List of USNC members and affiliations, 4. 3_Map of Union Square, 5. 4_CBA summit flyer — Portuguese, 6. 4_CBA Summit Flyer- French, 7. 4_CBA Summit flyer- Hindi, 8. 4_CBA Summit Flyer- Nepali, 9. 4_CBA Summit Flyer- Spanish, 10. 4_Geographic distn of USNC members - Google My Maps, 11. 5_Akther_Afruza COI 1, 12. 5_Akther_Afruza COI 2, 13. 5_Antonino_Tori COI, 14. 5_Berry_Joanne COI, 15. 5_Bradlow_Ben COI, 16. 5_Baldwin Ben COI 1, 17. 5_Baldwin Ben COI 2, 18. 5_Camara_Ann COI, 19. 5_Cavellini_Bill COI, 20. 5_Firestone_Mike COI, 21. 5_Hansen_Michele COI, 22. 5_Kramer_Jacob COI, 23. 5_Lizama_Andrea COI, 24. 5_Neu_Erik COI, 25. 5_Taylor_Penelope COI, 26. 5_Uprety_Ganesh COI, 27. 5_Weil_Rachel COI, 28. General Meeting Minutes

  Agenda Text


Submitting the Union Square Neighborhood Council's application for designation as the negotiating entity for a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square neighborhood.



Official Text

To the Honorable Board:


Please see the attached, with the FULL documentation required for designation as the negotiating entity for a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square neighborhood. It is organized by item (i.e. the materials for item 1 will begin with "1_"). The documentation attached includes:


(1) Copies of all organizational documents:

- Minutes from all our meetings

- Union Square Neighborhood Council bylaws

- CBA Summit report


(2) List of elected Board members & affiliations


(3) Map delineating the neighborhood represented by the Council


(4) Materials evidencing USNC commitment to principles of inclusivity, transparency and participatory democracy

- USNC Bylaws

- USNC Social Event flyer

- CBA Summit flyers in multiple languages


(5) Affidavits from all 15 Board members regarding Conflict of Interest


Thank you!



Rachel Weil

on behalf of the Union Square Neighborhood Council​