Agenda Text
Submitting the Union Square Neighborhood Council's application for designation as the negotiating entity for a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square neighborhood.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Please see the attached, with the FULL documentation required for designation as the negotiating entity for a Community Benefits Agreement for the Union Square neighborhood. It is organized by item (i.e. the materials for item 1 will begin with "1_"). The documentation attached includes:
(1) Copies of all organizational documents:
- Minutes from all our meetings
- Union Square Neighborhood Council bylaws
- CBA Summit report
(2) List of elected Board members & affiliations
(3) Map delineating the neighborhood represented by the Council
(4) Materials evidencing USNC commitment to principles of inclusivity, transparency and participatory democracy
- USNC Bylaws
- USNC Social Event flyer
- CBA Summit flyers in multiple languages
(5) Affidavits from all 15 Board members regarding Conflict of Interest
Thank you!
Rachel Weil
on behalf of the Union Square Neighborhood Council