Agenda Text
Public Works Commissioner responding to #192282 re: non-working residential water transponders and the homeowner's responsibility.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Replacement Meter Transmission Unit (MTU) Replacement Policy:
All properties in the City have been equipped with MTU's. The MTU's are tagged as property of the City of Somerville, along with the Water Department telephone number.
The system is designed to send an alert when a unit stops transmitting. Sample causes of a unit failure are removal, cut wires, moisture incursion, or dead batteries. When the alert is received, the Water Department dispatches the technician (Water Department employee) to investigate the cause and mitigate the circumstance. This is accomplished either through repairing the unit in the field, replacing it, or re-wiring the unit depending upon the situation.
If the unit has been removed from the property or ripped from the wall rendering it irreparable, the property owner is billed for the installed cost of the replacement unit. A letter detailing the charges is sent to the property owner. Owners are advised to call the Water Department with any questions.
If the technician is able to service the existing unit there is no charge to the owner. If the unit is replaced due to a dead battery or apparent manufacturing defect, there is no charge.
I will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Respectfully submitted,
Stan Koty, DPW Commissioner