Agenda Text
Commending Dr. Alan Titelbaum, a long-time Somerville health care provider, who has partnered with the School Department to make eyeglasses available to children who could not otherwise afford them.
Official Text
Be it hereby known to all that the Somerville Board of Aldermen and the Mayor offer their commendations to
Dr. Alan Titelbaum
Who has generously agreed to subsidize eyeglasses for Somerville schoolchildren who could not otherwise afford them. To date, six children identified by school nurses now have clear vision as a result of his philanthropy. He continues a Titelbaum family tradition of health care begun in the 1920s-at his current location-and truly personifies the spirit of giving back to his community.
The Aldermen and the Mayor extend their sincerestgratitude and their best wishes for ongoing success.
Offered this 11th day of June, 2015.