Agenda Text
Requesting approval to use $6,939 of available funds in the Grants Development Salaries account to create a new position of Deputy Director.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request that your Honorable City Council consider and approve the use of $6,938.68 in available funds in the Grants Development Salaries budget (0113651-511000 account) to create a new position of Deputy Director. This new position is being created in response to departure of the current senior-level Grant Writer, and it will be established at the grade of NU07, with an annual salary of $90,202.68, weekly rate of $1734.67; the Deputy Director will essentially replace the senior-level Grant Writer position.
There is currently available funding in the Grants Development budget to allow for a Deputy Director start date of June 6 (4 weeks in FY22), provided a candidate is identified and hired before then; this would come to $6,939 of lag monies in the 0113651-511000 account that could be utilized to start this position in FY22. The Deputy Director position will be included in the FY23 budget; however, this request is coming before you now to facilitate training prior to the Grant Writer's last day of June 30.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Katjana Ballantyne, Mayor