Agenda Text
Amending Ordinance 11-125 to include notification to this Board with respect to water rates.
Official Text
That Paragraph (a) of Section 11-125 of the Code of Ordinances be amended as follows (Deletions are struck through; Additions are shown in red and underlined):
Section 11-125. Water rates.
(a) Established. Rates for water use shall be established by the commissioner of public works superintendent of the water and sewer department with the approval of the mayor, provided the commissioner superintendent conducts a public hearing on the proposed rates no later than May 15 of any given year with notice of any new rates or charges provided to the board of aldermen at least 14 days prior to the public hearing and that the commissioner superintendent sets the rate with the approval of the mayor, no later than June 1 of that same year to be applied prospectively to consumption beginning on July 1 of that same year;, with any new rates and charges provided to the board of aldermen in June during its review of the budget for the water and sewer department;, however, rates so set may be adjusted, subsequent to June 1, by the commissioner superintendent with the approval of the mayor to reflect any changes in any charge assessed to the city by any governmental body or agency of the commonwealth. If any such adjustment results in a lower rate than previously set, the new rate shall take effect immediately upon approval by the mayor. If such adjusted rate is higher than otherwise set, the new rate shall take effect no sooner than 30 days after approval by the mayor. {NOTE: The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works must be changed to the Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department as a result of the administrative order that the Board of Aldermen passed in June that created the Water and Sewer Department.}