Agenda Text
Requesting approval to pay a prior year invoice totaling $36,000 using available funds in the DPW Fleet Division Professional and Technical Maintenance Account for Stoneham Motor Company, for the rental of plow trucks.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request your Honorable City Council's approval to use the DPW Fleet OM - Professional & Technical Maintenance line 0140852-530000 to pay 8 invoices. Fiscal Year 2020 invoices from 2/25/20-3/25/20 to be paid totaling $36k to Stoneham Motor Company, Inc. for the annual rental of 8 plow trucks ( 4 in the Highway Division, 2 for Building & Grounds and 2 in the Recreation Department). The plow trucks are used for winter weather events such as snow and ice.
No. 175517 Dump Truck White $4500
No. 175518 F550 White $4500
No. 175519 Dump Truck White $4500
No. 175520 Dump Truck White $4500
No. 175521 F550 Black $4500
No. 175523 Dump Truck Red $4500
No. 175524 Dump Truck Red $4500
No. 175525 Dump Truck White $4500
This invoice wasn't paid within the fiscal year because the vendor had a turnover in staffing and did not
issue the invoices until June 2020 therefore the original PO 20204393 was closed for PO maintenance.
The invoices and the contract are attached.
Expiration Date of Contract 200187 for Vendor 28762 is 4/30/22.
Note that the purchase of 8 trucks would be approximately $520k.
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor