Agenda Text
DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 10/13/16.
Official Text
Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 10/13/16 Meeting
ORDER 6. Order
(ID # 14888) By Ald. McLaughlin
That the Commissioner of Public Works inspect the overgrown tree at 22 Wisconsin Avenue.
RESOLUTION Completed. Area cleared of brush and debris.
ORDER 8. Order
(ID # 14861) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the handrail at the Clifton Street entrance to the community path.
ORDER 9. Order
(ID # 14862) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the unlit street lamps in Davis Square Plaza, opposite the Somerville Theatre.
RESOLUTION Parts order was required. Work will be complete soon.
ORDER 10. Order
(ID # 14863) By Ald. Connolly, Davis
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the sidewalk at Boston Burger in Davis Square Plaza.
RESOLUTION In progress. Getting pricing.
ORDER 14. Order
(ID # 14873) By Ald. McWatters
That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the sidewalk panels on Warren Avenue, from Properzi Manner to Union Square.
RESOLUTION This will be done next week. We are working with brick.
ORDER 18. Order
(ID # 14877) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works clarify to this Board and Constituent Services, and post on the city’s website, the regulations for putting trash out in plastic bags that are not inside a garbage can.
RESOLUTION Revised ordinance includes:
• While stored on residential property, all trash must now be stored in waterproof and airtight containers with a lid;
• Trash put out for pickup must remain in a container, but does not have to be covered;
• Containers put out for pickup may not exceed 50 pounds when full;
• Trash stored in other non-regulation barrels or unapproved containers will be considered bulk items; they will be disposed of, but will be considered in violation and ticketed appropriately.
ORDER 19. Order
(ID # 14878) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works remove the foot-wide strip of accumulated pigeon droppings on the Community Path under the Lowell Street Bridge.
RESOLUTION Will be pressure washed on 10/14/16.
ORDER 20. Order
(ID # 14879) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works fill the many small pot holes on Hudson Street, from behind the east end of the Armory through 36 Hudson Street.
RESOLUTION Work will be completed by 10/14/16.
ORDER 21. Order
(ID # 14880) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works direct the responsible utility companies to raise or move the low-hanging wires that cross between 75-79 Benton Road.
RESOLUTION Lights and Lines Department will tie up the wires temporarily until utility company can make final repair. Double pole is the issue.
ORDER 22. Order
(ID # 14881) By Ald. Niedergang
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the two street lamps at the eastern entrance to Junction Park, adjacent to the Cambridge Health Alliance parking lot.
RESOLUTION Will order parts to make repairs. Should be complete by 10/21/16.
ORDER 26. Order
(ID # 14885) By Ald. Sullivan, McLaughlin, Connolly, Rossetti, White Jr.
That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light on Bishop Place.
ORDER 27. Order
(ID # 14890) By Ald. Heuston
That the Commissioner of Public Works trim the trees at Palmacci Park.