Agenda Text
Requesting approval of a transfer of $291,572.39 from the Engineering Capital Outlay Engineering & Architectural Services Account and the R&M Highways Account to the Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing Stabilization Fund for pavement assessment, street resurfacing, and pavement marking services.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request your approval for the transfer of a total of $291,572.39 from the Department of IAM-Engineering, Capital Outlay Engineering & Architectural Services, and Ordinary Maintenance R&M Highways Accounts to the 7920-Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing Stabilization Fund Account in order to provide continued design and construction administration services related to pavement condition assessments, street resurfacing, and pavement markings.
The total of $291,572.39 is comprised of $196,572.39 from Engineering & Architectural Services (0140358-530006) and $94,788.82 from OM R&M Highways (0140352-524029).
My staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor