Agenda Text
Providing information on the Central Hill Campus Park Phase 1.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
In anticipation of tomorrow night’s Council meeting, please see below an explanation of the Central Hill Campus Phase 1 project from Luisa Oliveira (Director of Public Space and Urban Forestry) and Cortney Kirk (Senior Planner for Public Space and Urban Forestry). This information is in reference to the following group of agenda items which were on the agenda at the last Finance Committee meeting on 12/3/19:
209304: Recommend Requesting an appropriation and authorization to borrow $4,351,000 in a bond for Central Hill Campus Park and Open Space Improvements.
209305: Recommend Requesting approval to dedicate Central Hill Playground to Open Space and Recreational Use in perpetuity.
209307: Recommend Requesting the appropriation of $300,000 from the CPA FY20 Fund for the construction of Central Hill Campus Phase I.
209230: Recommend Requesting acceptance of a $400,000 grant that requires a match, from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to the SPCD Parks and Urban Forestry Division for the Central Hill Playground.
Central Hill Campus Plan: Phase 1 Narrative:
Thank you for your consideration to fund the construction for Central Hill Campus Phase 1, the first phase of renovating Somerville’s oldest City-owned park. This is a large, multidisciplinary project that encompasses the construction of a new City high school, pedestrian improvements and the arrival of a new MBTA station. Please reference the image titled ‘Central Hill Campus Plan Phase I - Limit of December Bonding Request,’ for a map of the area linked below and attached. The project has been estimated to cost $5,051,000. The 2019 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identified $4,732,870 in estimated construction costs. We are requesting $4,351,000 where the difference is due to utilizing $400,000 from a PARC grant and $300,000 from CPA funds.
We have put forth the request at this time in order to:
1. Accept $400,000 in funds from the MA Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) grant program which was awarded in mid-October. A council vote before December 31, 2019 is required to meet several conditions: first, to accept the grant funds; second, to fund the Phase 1 park renovation; and third, to protect the playground in perpetuity under Article 97. Without your support we will forfeit the grant funds.
2. Apply $300,000 in funds from the Community Preservation Act (CPA) grant program to meet the matching requirements for the abovementioned PARC Grant
3. Meet the timeline for delivering an ADA compliant route to the new High School Project by the opening of school in August of 2020.
The Division of Public Space and Urban Forestry (PSUF) is committed to delivering Phase 1 of this complex park renovation and pedestrian improvement project to our constituents. To date, we have held two community meetings for Phase 1 with a final community meeting scheduled for January 8th. This is an important project for Somerville residents across the city especially those who participated in the public process beyond the traditional community meeting during targeted outreach at Library Storytime, ResiStat meetings, the Veteran’s Commission, neighboring daycare centers, and the Urban Forestry Committee.
For referenced and additional related information please click on the links to the following City Documents:
• Central Hill Campus Plan Phase I Limit of December Bonding Request <> <>
• Urban Forestry Committee Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2019
<> <>
• Central Hill Parking Study Memo
<> <>
• Central Hill Parking Study Final Presentation
<> <>
Staff will be in attendance at tomorrow night’s Council meeting to address any questions the Council may have.
Annie Connor
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs