Agenda Text
Kevin Malone submitting comments re: #206768, to consider amending skate park hours.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I am writing in reference to item 11 [That this Board’s Committee on Legislative Matters consider amending Ordinance 12-48, relating to the hours of operation of skate parks] on the BOA meeting agenda for the October 11th meeting.
I am a resident of Ward 2 and am excited about the remodeled Lincoln Park. I have spent time there recently and have friends who live immediately adjacent to the skate park. I have walked through and spent time in the park since the skate park has been in use and it is obviously becoming an amazing focal point for a diverse swath of Somerville residents of all ages. The noise associated with the skate park is not excessive, certainly paling in comparison to the traffic and aircraft noise and very similar to the level of noise coming from other parts of the park, especially the playground.
I am writing to express my concern about item 11, which specifically targets the skate park and suggest imposing unique restrictions on its use.
The skate park, and the redesign of Lincoln Park as a whole, was the subject of extensive public discussion and stakeholder input. My perception is that this effort to obtain BOA intervention on the skate park is not reflective of the broad range of stakeholders that were involved in the original decisions about Lincoln park. I strongly encourage the BOA to carefully consider all of the stakeholders invested in Lincoln Park in general and the skate park in particular before making any policy decisions based on the pressure of a vocal minority. The skate park represents a significant public investment that was the result of a transparent and public process and proposals to impose unique restrictions on access to it should be subject to rigorous scrutiny.
In addition, I would be remiss if I did not address the racial and socio-economic element of this issue. The individuals pressuring for a change in access to the skate park have frequently called the police about the use of the skate park, especially when young men of color are using it. Considering the broader discourse in our country about excessive force by police against young people of color, including at public parks, this situation has the potential to devolve rapidly into tragedy. The BOA has an obligation to consider this dynamic in any additional restrictions on the use of the skate park and the certainty that any unique restrictions on skate park access will have a disproportionate impact and involve police enforcement.
I hope the City of Somerville can alleviate neighbors' concerns about skate park noise without targeting and criminalizing specific forms of exercising and socializing in a public park.
Thank you for your consideration and I would be happy to discuss this further if it would be helpful.
Kevin Malone
50 Harrison St. Apt 2