Agenda Text
Committee Report - Public Util. - 4-20-10
Official Text
April 20, 2010REPORT OF THE COMMITTEEON PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC WORKSThe Committee on Public Utilities and Public Works convened on April 20, 2010, with Chairman Sean O?Donovan presiding and Committee Members Aldermen Bruce Desmond and Robert Trane also present and voting. Also present were Administrative Assistant Matt Dias, Assistant City Solicitor David Shapiro, Superintendent of Lines and Lights Steve MacEachern, Bill Zamparelli from NSTAR, Stan Usovicz from Verizon and interested members of the public.Double Poles:Mr. MacEachern told the members that the double pole list has approximately 150 poles listed and noted that some poles might not even be on the list. Mr. MacEachern told the members that a significant amount of time is needed to obtain an accurate count of the double poles in the city. Chairman O?Donovan instructed Mr. MacEachern to inform the DPW Commissioner that the committee expects to hear how the DPW intends to accurately count and provide the committee with the correct number of double poles still standing in the city, at its next meeting on May 4th.Mr. Usovicz told the committee that Verizon has reduced its number of double poles to 92 and Mr. Zamparelli said that NSTAR has 11 left to remove. Chairman O?Donovan told both representatives that the committee will be looking for updated counts from each company of the double poles removed and remaining at its next meeting on May 4th.No papers were acted on.