City of Somerville header
File #: 211230    Version: 1
Type: Mayor's Request Status: Approved
File created: 1/26/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/5/2021 Final action: 2/11/2021
Enactment date: 1/28/2021 Enactment #: 211230
Title: Requesting the use of available funds in various DPW Ordinary Maintenance Accounts to pay $52,414.95 in prior fiscal year unencumbered invoices.
Code sections: Prior Year Invoice -
Attachments: 1. DPW Vendor Email Call for Invoices, 2. DPW Admin, 3. DPW B&G, 4. DPW Fleet, 5. DPW Highway, 6. DPW Sanitation, 7. DPW School Custodians, 8. DPW Snow

  Agenda Text


Requesting the use of available funds in various DPW Ordinary Maintenance Accounts to pay $52,414.95 in prior fiscal year unencumbered invoices.



Official Text

To the Honorable City Council:


I respectfully request "Use of available Funds" in the amount  of  $52,414.95 in various FY2021 DPW OM Accounts to pay  fiscal year unencumbered invoices.


Invoice                     55L1821634                     Kyocera                                                                    4/22/19                                          81.68

Invoice   3095729926                     AmeriGas                                                               8/22/19                                          232.93

Invoice                     55L1898452                     Kyocera                                                                    10/31/19                                          107.35

Invoice   AR46034                     NECS                                                                                        3/30/20                                          339.31                     

Invoice                     0073008-IN                     Hall Trask                                                                6/5/20                                          250.00                     


Admin OM                                                                                                                                Total                                          $1,011.27



Invoice                     7221648                                          Rockler Companies                                           6/8/20                                          234.97                     

Invoice                     432899                                          Winterberry                                                                6/18/20                                          2,500                     

Invoice   HS01935532                     Direct Energy                                                                7/6/20                                          8,272.71


Building & Grounds OM                                                                                                          Total                                          $11,007.68


Invoice                     15833                                          Creative Signs, Inc                                           6/19/19                                          650.00                     

Invoice                     0619.30                                          Mass Mobile Inspections                                          7/1/19                                          630.00                     

Invoice   257278                                          Atlantic Broom                                                                8/26/19                                          4,465.00

Invoice                     257434                                          Atlantic Broom                                                                9/13/19                                          770.00

Invoice                     15992                                          Creative Signs, Inc                                          1/30/20                                          325.00                     

Invoice   N3480                                          Diversified Automotive, Inc                     5/27/20                                          217.09

Invoice                     21209                                          DLP Industries                                                                  6/23/20                                          593.28

Invoice                     16110                                          Creative Signs, Inc                                           9/30/20                                          650.00


Fleet OM                                                                                                                               Total                                          $8,300.37



Invoice                     253801050                     Millennium                                                               6/1/20                                          1,303.75

Invoice   253801051                     Millennium                                                               6/30/20                                          6,726.67


Highway OM                                                                                                                               Total                                          $8,030.42



Invoice                     RMG-22405                     RMG                                                                                    7/3/17                                          4,229.75

Invoice   2119467                                          ATC                                                                                    8/16/18                                          3,880.00


Sanitation OM                                                                                                                                Total                                          $8,109.75


Invoice 37397                                           GDI                                                                                    5/30/18                                          356.04

Invoice 37404                                                 GDI                                                                                    5/31/18                                          474.72

Invoice 41642                                            GDI                                                                                    12/31/18                                          244.40

Invoice 41927                                           GDI                                                                                    12/31/18                                          183.30

Invoice 41925                                                 GDI                                                                                    12/31/18                                          152.75

Invoice 41928                             GDI                                                                                    12/31/18                                          122.20

Invoice 41940                                                 GDI                                                                                    12/31/18                                          122.20

Invoice 44411                                               GDI                                                                                    5/1/19                                          244.40

Invoice 44589                                                GDI                                                                                    5/22/19                                          488.80

Invoice 45015                             GDI                                                                                    6/12/19                                          122.20

Invoice 45224                                          GDI                                                                                    6/19/19                                          244.40

Invoice 45217                                          GDI                                                                                    6/19/19                                          122.20


Invoice MAINV901705       GDI                                                                                    11/19/19                                          125.80

Invoice MAINV902039       GDI                                                                                    11/30/19                                          566.10

Invoice MAINV902038       GDI                                                                                    11/30/19                                          251.60

Invoice MAINV902037                         GDI                                                                                    11/30/19                                          125.80


Invoice MAINV20200318  GDI                                                                                    1/28/20                                          540.00

Invoice MAINV20200323  GDI                                                                                    1/28/20                                           125.80

Invoice MAINV20200359  GDI                                                                                    1/31/20                                          440.30

Invoice MAINV20200590  GDI                                                                                    1/31/20                                          283.05

Invoice MAINV20200358  GDI                                                                                    1/31/20                                          125.80

Invoice MAINV20200519  GDI                                                                                    1/31/20                                          125.80

Invoice MAINV20200845  GDI                                                                                    2/28/20                                          207.00

Invoice MAINV20200846  GDI                                                                                    2/28/20                                          207.00

Invoice MAINV20201227  GDI                                                                                    3/20/20                                          125.80


School Custodians OM                                                                                                          Total                                          $6,127.46



Invoice SOM061520                     Sensible Spreader                                                               7/15/19                                          9280.80


Snow OM                                                                                                                               Total                                          $9,828.80


The Director of Administration and Finance implemented on December 2, 2020 both a call for invoices process

and setup divisional MS Outlook inbox's which are time and date stamped. Vendors receive a single monthly notification as reminder to forward their invoices to their designated project manager divisions.


This effort is intended to minimize and hopefully one day eliminate outstanding invoices, cross fiscal year problems which cause other problems such as risk and exposure. The divisional MS Outlook inboxes are accessible to the entire DPW Admin & Clerical team including the Superintendents. These invoices are time stamped and auditable.


My staff will be available to address any questions you may have.

Thank you for your consideration of this item.


Respectfully Submitted,

Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor