Agenda Text
Requesting Approval to Transfer $35,000.00 from the Police Personal Services- Salaries Acount (4301-51110)- to the Police Ordinary Mainteance - Medical & Dental Account ( 4301-53010) to Fund Payments for Line of Duty Injury Medical Bills
Official Text
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen:
I respectfully request your approval to transfer $35,000.00 from the Police Department's Personal Services Salary line (Fund 010000, Org. 4301-51110) to the Police Department's Ordinary Maintenance Medical & Dental line (4301-53010).
The reason for this request is to pay for indemnified expenses pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 100. The funding will cover expenses that were unforeseen and above the appropriated amount in the FY2010 budget allocation.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.