Agenda Text
Andrew Greenspon submitting comments re: #206481, a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to add a new Section 17.8 re: open space requirements for mid-rise and high-rise buildings.
Official Text
To the Honorable City Council:
While I will not be able to attend the Public Hearing Tuesday to give testimony there, I want to re-iterate the support letter I sent in January for passage of the Citizen's Petition Open Space Zoning Amendment for mid-rise and high-rise buildings. I hope that this Amendment or something very similar will be passed as soon as possible. Somerville cannot wait for more Robust and Usable Green and Open Space. I am also grateful that since my original letter, the Open Space Land Acquisition Fund has been established. I hope that a sustainable method of funding and using it to acquire open space is developed soon.
Thank you,
Andrew (Andy) Greenspon