Agenda Text
That the Directors of Infrastructure and Asset Management, Engineering, Public Works, and the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, along with any other appropriate departments, work to develop a binding, equitable, citywide Electrical Infrastructure Master Plan to guide the location and design of electrical substations and other infrastructure.
Official Text
WHEREAS: Reaching our climate goals will require an enormous increase in the capacity of our local electrical grid, yet today we lack a comprehensive plan for the location of such infrastructure, leading to an piece-meal, case-by-case expansion strategy; and
WHEREAS: As one relevant example, Eversource is currently seeking to expand the existing electrical substation in Union Square; and
WHEREAS: The unfortunate, poorly planned location of this substation and it’s dilapidated state is a lost opportunity for the heart of Union Square, and
WHEREAS: The Union Square substation will ultimately need to be moved in order facilitate the extension of the Green Line to Porter, and this relocation will require long-term planning and coordination; and
WHEREAS: Neighboring municipalities have found creative solutions to place electrical equipment underground, coordinated with the large-scale commercial developments that particularly require the expansion of these facilities;
WHEREAS: Somerville is dedicated to equitable citywide planning, to ensure that the impacts of such infrastructure does not fall disproportionately on certain neighborhoods; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Director of Infrastructure and Asset Management, the Director of Engineering, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, along with any other appropriate departments, work with Eversource and any other relevant utilities to create a mid- and long-term comprehensive plan for the location of our growing electrical infra...
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