City of Somerville header
File #: 202223    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 10/11/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/13/2016 Final action: 10/13/2016
Enactment date: 10/13/2016 Enactment #: 202223
Title: Assistant City Solicitor submitting an amendment to Ordinances 11-125 and 11-164 consistent with the recommendation of the Legislative Matters Committee, meeting on 10/6/16.
Code sections: Ordinance Not Zoning -
Attachments: 1. Water-Sewer Rate Ordinance
Related files: 201869

  Agenda Text


Assistant City Solicitor submitting an amendment to Ordinances 11-125 and 11-164 consistent with the recommendation of the Legislative Matters Committee, meeting on 10/6/16.



Official Text

Dear Honorable Board Members:


Attached are tracked and clean versions of revisions to Somerville Code of Ordinances Sections 11-125 and 11-164, per the recommendation and discussion by the Legislative Matters Committee, meeting on October 6, 2016, which discussed a proposed ordinance (#201869) regarding the establishment of water rates at Section 11-125.


For Somerville Code of Ordinances Section 11-125, which was previously discussed at length in Committee, I have made a couple of minor recommended revisions with respect to capitalization. Also, after the meeting, I noticed an internal inconsistency and am recommending that the phrase “or charge” be deleted in the 5th line from the bottom.


For Somerville Code of Ordinances Section 11-164, since the language was not previously discussed or reviewed by the Legislative Matters Committee, I have included the entire section for your context.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


David Shapiro

Assistant City Solicitor