City of Somerville header
File #: 209268    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 11/14/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/14/2019 Final action: 11/14/2019
Enactment date: 11/14/2019 Enactment #: 209268
Title: Assistant City Solicitor submitting an Ordinance relative to Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Right of Way, as approved by the Legislative Matters Committee on 11/7/19.
Code sections: Ordinance Not Zoning -
Attachments: 1. 2019-Small Cell Wireless 11-14-2019 - redline, 2. 2019-Small Cell Standards 11-14-2019, 3. Small Wireless Facilities, Amended & Approved 11-14-19
Related files: 208862

  Agenda Text


Assistant City Solicitor submitting an Ordinance relative to Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Right of Way, as approved by the Legislative Matters Committee on 11/7/19.



Official Text

To the Honorable City Council:


Attached for your review and deliberation is a red lined and clean copy of an Ordinance Relative to Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Right of Way, and clean copy of Design Standards for Small Wireless Facility Placement in the Public Right of Way.  Although I have included the Design Standards for your reference, it is not necessary for you to vote on the Design Standards.  They will be promulgated by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department. 


The documents reflect the recommendation of the Legislative Matters Committee, as well as additional language drafted after the Committee meeting intended to accomplish the objectives of the Committee. 


I will be present at the meeting tonight to answer any questions.


Thank you for your cooperation.




David P. Shapiro

Assistant City Solicitor