City of Somerville header
File #: 200853    Version: 1
Type: Officer's Communication Status: Placed on File
File created: 2/24/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2016 Final action: 4/13/2017
Enactment date: 2/25/2016 Enactment #: 200853
Title: DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 2/11/16 and 2/25/16.

  Agenda Text


DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders submitted 2/11/16 and 2/25/16.



Official Text

Somerville Board of Aldermen - Supplemental Orders for 2/11/15 Meeting


ORDER                     49.                     Order

                     (ID # 13379)                     By Ald. McLaughlin

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works consider using pet safe salt on city walkways.

RESOLUTION                     Pet safe salt is used on city walkays.


ORDER                     50.                     Order

                     (ID # 13380)                     By Ald. McLaughlin

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works address the icing on Assembly Row sidewalks.

RESOLUTION                     The sidewalks are the responsibility of Assembly Row contractors. The DPW is only responsible for the roadways in that area.



Somerville Board of Aldermen - Orders for 2/25/15 Meeting


ORDER                     5.                     Order

                     (ID # 13439)                     By Ald. Davis

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works describe to this Board, the rationale for treating multi-unit residences the same as single family residences for purposes of volume-based escalation of water rates.

RESOLUTION                     The pricing is measured in cubic feet by usage and the more water used, the higher the price. Example:

                     FY16                     0-13                      $11.22

                                          14-67                     $15.01

                                          68-133                     $15.74

                                          133-over                     $16.31


ORDER                     7.                     Order

                     (ID # 13442)                     By Ald. McWatters, Sullivan, Connolly, Rossetti, White Jr.

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair all the non-functioning school speed assembly signs with flashing beacons citywide to ensure safety.

RESOLUTION                     This is in the process and will be completed by March 3.


ORDER                     9.                     Order

                     (ID # 13444)                     By Ald. McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light on the corner of Hillside Circle and Craigie Street.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                     10.                     Order

                     (ID # 13445)                     By Ald. McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works repair the street light at 33 Vinal Avenue.

RESOLUTION                     Completed.


ORDER                     15.                     Order

                     (ID # 13449)                     By Ald. Niedergang, McWatters

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works fill the pot holes in Porter Street from 36 Porter Street to Summer Street.

RESOLUTION                     The pothole truck is out being repaired. These holes will be fixed the first part of next week.


ORDER                     18.                     Order

                     (ID # 13452)                     By Ald. Niedergang

                     That the Commissioner of Public Works clean the catch basins at the bottom of Conwell Street at Highland Avenue (2 basins), at the southeast corner of Highland and Lowell Streets, and at the bottom of Spring Hill's hilly streets.

RESOLUTION                     All nine of these have been completed.