Agenda Text
Requesting approval to appropriate $154,050 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the Central Hill Campus Plan.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
I respectfully request that your Honorable Board appropriate $154,050 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purpose of funding the Central Hill Campus Plan, which is currently an unscheduled project in the Capital Investment Plan.
The request for $154,050 will be used to finalize the Central Hill Campus Plan. This work began in FY18 and is scheduled to be completed in December 2018. In FY2018, Capital Projects paid $25,000 towards the Central Hill Campus Plan from their Capital Outlay Line; Engineering paid $15,450 towards the Central Hill Campus Plan from the Professional & Technical Services Line; and Planning and Zoning paid $32,500 towards the Central Hill Campus Plan from their Professional & Technical Services Line.
To complete the project, per a contract with the firm SMMA, an additional $154,050 is needed in FY2019. To complete the project, SMMA has assembled a team that will provide the following services: campus master planning, civil engineering, landscape architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, sustainable/carbon net zero design, and cost estimating. SMMA has also engaged two subcontractors that provide traffic planning and engineering and historic preservation expertise. This project will enable a comprehensive plan for the Central Hill Campus that will respond to the ongoing high school construction project. The planning process will further define a scope of services and provide updated cost estimates for consideration in an updated Capital Investment Plan.
Staff will be available to answer any questions.
Joseph A. Curtatone