Agenda Text
Requesting an appropriation of $195,770,799 for the FY2016 General Fund Operating Budget.
Official Text
Dear Honorable Board Members:
On June 4, 2015, I submitted to your Honorable Board my recommendations for a proposed Fiscal Year 2016 General Fund Budget for the various departments of municipal government. My recommended FY 2016 General Fund Appropriation totaled $195,959,717.00
I am submitting to your Honorable Board a revised FY2016 Appropriation Order that reflects the two hundred forty seven thousand, six hundred forty eight dollars ($247,648.00) in reductions recommended by your Honorable Board’s Finance Committee while meeting as a Committee of the Whole on June 22, 2015.
The revised FY2016 Appropriation Order includes a request to appropriate $58,730 in order to acquire two permanent sidewalk easements and 115 temporary construction easements to allow the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to proceed with the Beacon Street Reconstruction Project. This request was not included in the original General Fund Appropriation Order. In the revised FY2016 Appropriation Order, the $58,730 requested for easements is budgeted in a new “Land Acquisition” account in the Ordinary Maintenance of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, Transportation and Infrastructure Department.
The attached Appropriation Order provides the breakdown by department of the totals for Personal Services, Ordinary Maintenance, Capital Outlay, and Special Items needed for the Board’s formal adoption of the FY2016 General Fund Budget. The result of these changes is to bring the General Fund Appropriation for FY2016 to $195,770,799. This represents a reduction of $188,918 from the original budget submission.
I would like to commend the Board of Aldermen for their diligence and efforts during this budget process.
Joseph A. Curtatone