Agenda Text
Requesting authorization of the Board of Assessors' use of outside counsel, Attorney John Lynch, to defend values at the Appellate Tax Board.
Official Text
To the Honorable Board:
Pursuant to the Code of Ordinances, Section 2-121, I am requesting that the Honorable Board of Aldermen, authorize the Somerville Board of Assessors to retain Attorney John Lynch of the firm Lynch, Desimone, & Nylen, LLP Attorneys at Law. The purpose of the contract is for the defense of values at the Appellate Tax Board. The Assessor's most recent contract expired this past February and this authorization is for a 2 year period.
The Board of Assessors does not anticipate the immediate use of Attorney Lynch, however should the need arise; the Board would like to have him available. The vast majority of cases are routinely handled by the Board of Assessors with occasional assistance from the City Legal Department. However, the Assessors wish to be in the best possible position to sustain and defend their values.
Joseph A. Curtatone