Agenda Text
Conveying a report of the Local Government Advisory Commission meeting, held on May 13, 2014.
Official Text
Local Government Advisory Commission
May 13, 2014
State House
Update on Fiscal 2014 Revenues and State Economy
Secretary Shor spoke specifically of past revenues of FY14. YTD tax collections are $121 million above 'revised' benchmark. (even with March $60 million below monthly benchmark of predicted revenues; April also below @$107 million - income tax was the sizeable shortfall). He is awaiting June numbers to see overall effect. Sales tax, however, continues to meet or be above benchmark.
Supplemental Budget and Funding Announcements by the Governor
Discussion encompassed Charter School reimbursement. Many Mayors, Selectmen, and of course the Mass. Association of School Committees officers expressed gratitude for "being such good listeners and being a supporter." ($27.6 million supplemental allocation "much appreciated and needed"). Mention was also made by members of the need for continued funding of McKenney Vento Act!
Presentation on Governor Patrick's Economic Development Legislation
"An Act to Promote Growth and Opportunity"
Bill is now in the House - portions include: job creation, tax credit in tech. industries, I.T. job training grant, local control of liquor licenses, financial services advisory council.
Waltham's Mayor expressed gratitude for the liquor license proposal which "would assist with economic development." Hadley echoed these sentiments. Gardner's Mayor stated, "That sigh of relief you just heard was probably from Joe Curtatone." Haverhill mentioned that they do NOT have a cap on number of liquor licenses for restaurants, but this will help with licenses of liquor stores.
Presentation on the Valor Act II and Veteran's Services Regulations
This Dept is seeking assistance as to how they can update and moderate their regulations (slide 2). MA now has 26 regionalized districts for Veteran's Services and are expecting it to go to 30 by the end of this year, i.e. cost savings. A 'District Guide' is available on their web site (with shrinking numbers of veterans requiring service, districting is highly recommended). With the implementation of Valor Act II, training, regulations, and policies need to be put in place for 2015. Reminder: local exemptions are reimbursed by state. Greenfield's Mayor stated he is in a tentative agreement with 25 other towns for partnering for resources. This has "assisted them greatly."
The above represents my interpretations of portions of the meeting. I have additionally attached detailed documents pertaining to the above and other matters of importance. Feel free to contact me with any questions. It remains an honor to continue to represent you.
Yours in service,
Mary Jo Rossetti
MASC Immediate Past President